We take copyright protection seriously and comply with the DMCA. Upon receipt of a valid infringement notice, we will remove or disable access to the specified content. The person reported for infringement may be informed and provided with the details of the complaint, including contact information. If you believe your content was removed by mistake, you may file a counter-notification. This must include: A detailed identification of the removed or restricted content and its prior location on our site. Your contact information, including full name, mailing address, phone number, and email. A legally binding declaration, made under penalty of perjury, affirming your good faith belief that the removal was incorrect. A statement consenting to the jurisdiction of the appropriate U.S. federal district court (or another applicable legal jurisdiction) and your willingness to accept service of process from the original complainant. Your signature, either electronic or handwritten. Upon review, we will take the necessary steps in compliance with DMCA regulations.